Our Story

Rowdy and Ashli Van Horn have been in full-time ministry for 29 years.  Together, they traveled the world as Revivalists for 11 years, ministering across America, and through Europe, Southeast Asia, and Kenya.  Then God called them to pioneer a new kind of church in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.  A church filled with Jesus, joy, and victory--where the Holy Spirit is free to move, heal, and transform hearts and lives.  Pastor Rowdy carries a great anointing as a world-class speaker, worshiper, and genuine servant leader, and Ashli brings her gifts of administration, prayer, training, and communion with God to build Jesus People Church--a Spirit-Filled, Bible believing church.  
Jesus People Church is not a process, club, performance or habit.  It is place of unity with God and each other.  It has also become a destination church for many people across the country who travel a great distance once or twice a year to be in the services to experience the move of God, revival in their spirit, and to worship along with the unique, powerful style of praise and worship. Life is filled with many challenges, and church is supposed to be a connected family: a place of genuine relationships, strength and growth.  Along with their 3 children, Pastors Rowdy and Ashli invite you to experience this place of Jesus, healing, joy, and victory! 

A Team Approach that
Creates a Culture of Honor

Life is hard, and you're not meant to do it alone.
God created you to be in real relationships with Him and with others in the Church.
We invite you to a new environment, where we try to be more like Christ each day,
we own that we are still growing, and everyone is recognized as powerful and valuable. 

Who We Are

A genuine community of Jesus People who exist to experience and share the joy and Presence of God. 

Everyone is valuable.  There is a place for you here. 

What We Do

You are created to be empowered by God and change the world for His glory. We think it's our job to love, refresh, strengthen, and support you  to do what God has gifted and called you to do.
Unity with God and Community with each other is God's powerful design to empower us to shine the transformative light of Jesus into our world. 

What's Different

Because of Jesus at work in us, we seek to treat everyone with honor, all the time. Within the leadership, this means having hard conversations and taking personal responsibility to grow continuously.  Within the church, having a culture of honor means not just pretending things are okay and looking the other way when they're not, but actually loving enough to be real, and to give and receive strength.  

Meet the Team

James and Dawn Vawter

Youth and Children's Pastors
When you meet James and Dawn, you immediately feel like you're more loved and you're  more fun than you were before!  They moved their family from South Carolina to be a part of what God is doing at JPC.  They always bring laughter and are passionate about equipping this generation to shape the world with the anointing of God.  James and Dawn have a heart to serve and transform this community.  They have 3 children  and now love the Arizona heat!  

Sofie Van Horn

Worship Leader and Nursery Director
Sofie has music, leadership and ministry in her blood--she was traveling in music ministry even before she was born! Sofie started singing in the Jesus People "choir" when she was eight. She has enjoyed serving as a children's teacher and youth mentor for many years and pursued trainings in prophetic ministry and team leadership.  Now that she has completed a Music Ministry, Bible, and Leadership Certification at Hillsong in Australia, we are thankful she has come back to release her joy and spirit for worship for Sunday services!  She is also the director of the ministry to the youngest souls at JPC, overseeing the Nursery Ministry.  

Jo Ann and Adam Hoffman

City Groups and Marriage Ministry Leaders
Adam and Jo Ann Hoffmann are deeply passionate about what God has done and is doing in their lives and in the community.  After a Newlywed class had such a positive impact on their marriage 8 years ago, God gave them a heart to serve and build up marriages.  Adam and Jo Ann are fun and powerful encouragers who empower the importance, value, love and hope in community and  marriage with Christ at the center.

Bob and Camille Davis

Campus Pastor and Bookkeeping
Bob and Camille Davis have been a steadfast part of JPC for 12 years. Bringing their history in ministry  and love for God's House and great care for stewardship, Bob oversees the needs of  the campus property, and together they meticulously manage  bookkeeping.  Camille also ignites our weekly Prayer Team that covers all the prayer requests and needs of the church. They lend strength, faithfulness, and a passion for a move of God to the family at Jesus People Church!  

Saint Van Horn

Men's Ministry Leader
Saint has a great gift of encouragement, prophesy and discernment.   He lends his strengths and exuberance and links arms with our men to lead our  weekly Men's Huddle and monthly gatherings. 

Diane Basgall

Women's Ministry
Diane has been in ministry for many years. She loves to worship! She carries compassion, comfort, and the gift of intercession and encouragement. Diane brings her gifts to serve the Women, Altar Prayer and Sunday Coffee Ministries.  Diane is married to Bill and together they have 2 young adult children. 

Gina Feilbach

Worship Coordinator
Gina has been leading and singing for God for many years in many different and creative ways. You will see her joy, freedom and delight in worship! Gina has a beautiful gift for connecting people, and making sure every person she meets knows they are important and loved. She brings her freedom in worship to serve and coordinate the Jesus People Church worship team.

What We Believe

What does Jesus People Church believe about the scriptures?

We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God, and that men were moved by the Spirit to write words of Scripture. We believe it is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

What does Jesus People Church believe about God?

We believe in one God who exists in three distinct persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). We believe that Jesus Christ is the second member of the Trinity (the Son of God) who became flesh to reveal God to man and to become the Savior of the lost world, and that He sent God’s Holy Spirit to us to comfort us, to be our advocate, to fill us with spiritual gifts, to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit within us, and to lead us into a greater knowledge of God.

What does Jesus People Church believe about mankind?

We believe that man was created in the image of God to have fellowship with Him, but became alienated from that relationship through sinful disobedience. As a result, man is totally incapable of coming back into a right relationship with God by his own effort.

What does Jesus People Church believe about salvation?

We believe that the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross provides the sole basis for the forgiveness of sins. Therefore, salvation only occurs when a person places his faith in the death and resurrection of Christ as the sufficient payment for his sin. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me.” He said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

What does Jesus People Church believe about the Christian life?

We believe that every Christian should live for God and not for him or herself. By obedience to the Word and daily yielding to the Spirit, every believer will mature and become conformed to the image of Christ.

What does Jesus People Church believe about the church?

We believe that the church is the body of Christ of which Jesus Christ is the Head. The members are those who have trusted by faith the finished work of Christ. The purpose of the church is to glorify God by loving Him and by making Him known to a lost world.

Core Values

Biblical Authority

We Believe God has spoken to us through the Scriptures. Therefore, the Bible is our ultimate authority. 

Intimacy with God

We believe God desires an intimate relationship with every believer. Through prayer, meditation, worship, and Bible study, we can pursue and achieve a real and intimate relationship with God. 

Relevant Environments

We believe our role is to create environments that are conducive to the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of people. A relevant environment combined with competent leadership will allow us to connect with our audience. 

Relational Evangelism

We believe that all believers have the responsibility of carrying out the great commission in their sphere of influence. We pursue this through our “Invest & Invite” strategy. 

Real  Community

We believe accountability, care, and a sense of belonging are critical to balance and progress in our spiritual journey. These three things are best achieved within the context of a small group of like-minded, relationally-connected believers.

Strategic Service

As gifted members of the body of Christ, each believer is responsible for exercising his or her gifts in tandem with other members of the body. It is not enough to exercise spiritual gifts. Maximum impact is contingent upon a coordinated, strategic exercise of gifts in the body.

Intentional Apprenticing

We believe that every believer is responsible for passing along to others the knowledge, skills, and opportunities for service that God, through others entrusted to them. 

May they all be as one, Father, as You are in Me and I am in You.
May they belong to Us. Then the world will believe that You sent Me.  
I gave them the honor You gave Me that they may be one as We are One.
I am in them and You are in Me so they may be one and be made perfect.
Then the world may know that You sent Me and that You love them as You love Me. 

John 17:21-23

"This place is family!  I wasn't sure about going to church, but now that we do,
it has changed my life and my whole family."

- Carrie Anne

"God has brought healing to my life at this place!"

- Bill